Joohyung Seo is an illustrator based in Busan, South Korea with a passion for visual storytelling. Through her illustrations she explores the threshold between childhood and adulthood, the sudden shift from an idle world of comfort and security to a world of uncertainty. Using primarily digital media, Joohyung creates worlds where she will continually unfold personal and yet universal stories that come from growing pain.
Joohyung organized this senior show with Vanessa! and designed the icon for the comics category.
To anyone looking at this page thank you for visiting our website! I would also like to thank everyone who submitted their works for this show and helped me and Vanessa make this show possible. We could not have done this without your help and it was so wonderful to work with all of you! ​​​​​​​
Instagram: @jseojd_art
Twitter: @jseojd_art
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